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助理教授級()以上專任()教師 (需求數:1名)

【職務名稱】 助理教授級(含)以上專任(案)教師
【工作地點】 校本部
【用人單位】 表演藝術學士學位學程
【刊載日期】 110年8月25日
【聯絡人】 張欣蓉
【聯絡電話】 02-7749-5487
【電子郵件】 blairechang@ntnu.edu.tw



  • 職稱名稱:助理教授級(含)以上專任(案)教師
  • 名額:1
  • 學經歷條件:具教育部認可之國內外大學表演藝術相關系所博士學位或其同等學歷證書(得依教育部規定審定助理教授(含)以上資格者),或獲有教育部頒給之助理教授(含)以上證書者。
  • 學術專長:
    • 音樂劇/戲劇表演專長:主要協助開設大學部、碩班音樂劇戲劇表演課程(請參閱本學程/本所網頁>課程資訊>修業資訊>課程架構>109學年度課程架構表)。具帶領大學部學術導師、學期演出製作、畢業演出製作及協助辦理系所活動之能力。
  • 資格條件:
  • 依據本校「新聘專任教師資格條件暨評鑑作業規定」須符合下列規定(專任教師適用):


  1. 最近三年應有至少二次全國性作品發表或展演,其中一次需為個人作品發表或展演。
  2. 曾獲國際級比賽獎項。
  3. 最近三年應發表二篇SCI、SSCI、TSSCI、EI、A&HCI、民國一百零五年新制THCI(原THCI Core)或SCOPUS等索引收錄之學術性期刊論文、或業經前開刊物接受之論文(須檢附已被接受之信函),且為第一作者或通訊作者;或三年內有正式出版之專書,並檢附審查意見及通過出版之相關證明。
  4. 最近三年至少應主持二個科技部(原國科會)研究計畫。



  • 依據本校「專案教學及研究人員聘任要點」須符合下列規定(專案教師適用):


  1. 三年內有正式出版之專書,並檢附審查意見及通過出版之相關證明。
  2. 最近三年應發表二篇SCI、SSCI、A&HCI、EI、TSSCI、民國一百零五年新制THCI(原THCI Core)等級之期刊論文。



  • 應繳資料(請依序排列後,裝訂成乙冊):
    1. 專任(案)教師徵聘履歷表。
    2. 博士學位證書影本、學歷成績單影本(持國外學歷請檢附經駐外單位驗證之國外學歷證件及成績單影本)。
    3. 助理教授級(含)以上證書影本(若無則免檢附)。
    4. 請詳可開授課程科目及教學大綱。
    5. 自傳。
    6. 曾從事過之研究計畫與重要成果大綱。
    7. 曾辦理表演藝術相關活動證明。
    8. 第五點提及之相關證明文件與資料。
    9. 影音資料:近三年之個人演出作品(專業錄音品質),及能充分清晰的表現申請人個人歌唱、舞蹈、戲劇的表演影片連結(YouTube)。
    10. 其他有利審查資料(例如:獲獎證明、教學經驗、教材、評審、著作、計畫成果等)。
    11. 資料繳交方式
  • 繳交資料請一律紙本寄送,請註明應徵專長類別。
  • 除推薦函外,彙整「應繳資料」並裝訂成乙冊,以掛號郵寄至106台北市和平東路一段129-1號綜合大樓9樓 國立臺灣師範大學表演藝術學士學位學程(請註明「專任(案)教師應聘資料-○○○○專長」)
  • 另請將「專任(案)教師徵聘履歷表」之可編輯電子檔務必寄至承辦人員電子信箱(請勿轉換成PDF檔或其他型式)。
  • 聯絡資訊:
    • 寄件地址:106台北市和平東路一段129-1號綜合大樓9樓 國立臺灣師範大學表演藝術學士學位學程
    • 本系網址:https://www.bdppa.ntnu.edu.tw/
    • 聯絡人:張小姐,電話:(02)7749-5487,
  • 其他注意事項:
    • 初審通過後以電子郵件方式通知複審面試,未達初審標準者恕不另行通知或寄回資料,請務必自行留存;經通知面試而未到者視同放棄。
    • 應聘教師獲聘任後,應依據本校「教師評鑑辦法」及「教師評審辦法」辦理。
    • 應徵者請另至本校人事室徵才網站(https://pms.itc.ntnu.edu.tw/HireApp/AdminServletCtrl?action=job_detail&s=4130)登入應徵資料。
    • 本次徵才收件截止日110年10月31日。(以郵戳為憑)
    • 預計起聘日:110學年度。
  • 相關法規下載路徑:
    1. 本校「新聘專任教師資格條件暨評鑑作業規定」:請至本校網頁>行政組織>人事室>法令規章>教師聘任、升等、資格審查>本校新聘專任教師資格條件暨評鑑作業規定下載。
    2. 本校「專案教學及研究人員聘任要點」:請至本校網頁>行政組織>人事室>法令規章>教師聘任、升等、資格審查>本校專案教學及研究人員聘任要點下載。
  • 附件下載:
    1. 國立臺灣師範大學表演藝術學士學位學程徵聘專任(案)教師公告1100825(線上檢視)
    2. 專任(案)教師徵聘履歷表(odf下載)


Full-Time Position at Bachelor Degree Program of Performing Arts (Acting for Musicals / Drama), National Taiwan Normal University (The submission deadline is 31 October, 2021.

Job Title: Full-time Assistant Professor and above.

Location: Main Campus at National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.

Affiliation: Bachelor Degree Program of Performing Arts


Job Title: Full-time Assistant Professor and above.

Job Vacancy: One.

Education and experience: Applicants should hold a Ph.D. degree or equivalent education level, specialize in the related fields of Performing Arts.

Areas of Specialization: Acting for musicals / drama. Teach the acting for musicals / drama courses at Bachelor Degree Program of Performing Arts and Graduate Institute of Performing Arts. Serve as Academic Mentor at Bachelor Degree Program of Performing Arts, teach the courses about semester / graduate productions, and assist to hold the academic events for Bachelor Degree Program of Performing Arts and Graduate Institute of Performing Arts.

Qualifications: Except for those who have the entry-level university teaching job with Ph.D. degree, applicants should meet ONE of the following criteria:

1. Have at least two nationwide work presentations / performances (with one single-person work presentation / performance) in the past three years.
2. Have won international competition awards.
3. Have published two articles in the journals indexed in SCI, SSCI, TSSCI, EI, A&HCI, THCI, or SCOPUS with first or corresponding authorship in the past three years; Or have published an academic book with review comments and proof of publication in the past three years.
4. Have received grants for two research projects from the Ministry of Science and Technology in Taiwan in the past three years (as the principal investigator).

Previous-mentioned journal articles and research projects funded by Ministry of Science and Technology are exchangeable.

Newly-recruited overseas teachers could provide peer-reviewed journal articles other than the ones in previous-mentioned, the third regulation.

To apply, please prepare:
1. “Full Time (Contract) Faculty Resume”.
2. Photocopy of Ph.D. degree diploma and a transcript. (If the degree was granted by a university outside of R.O.C., both documents should be verified by the R.O.C. embassies, consulates, or missions abroad).
3. Photocopy of academic teaching rank accreditation certificate assistant professor and above (if applicable).
4. List of course offering and course syllabus.
5. Autobiography.
6. List of the research projects and contributions.
7. Proofs of holding the related events of performing arts.
8. The proofs of the related documents mentioned in the autobiography.
9. Audiovisual materials: The YouTube link of the applicant’s acting works with professional recording quality of singing, dancing, and drama in the past three years.
10. Any documents that can provide additional information about the applicant’s background and qualification is welcomed, such as awards, teaching experiences, teaching materials, judge serving, publications, and project results.
All application materials should be paper delivery and noted the applicant’s “Areas of Specialization”. Except for the recommendation letters, all application materials should be bound and sent through registered mail to the following address:

Application Materials for Full Time (Contract) Faculty Position (Areas of Specialization: ) , Bachelor Degree Program of Performing Arts, National Taiwan Normal University, 9F., No.129-1, Sec. 1, Heping E. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106010, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Please email the “Full Time (Contract) Faculty Resume” (in the original file format) to the contact person.

Contact Information:
• Mailing Address: Bachelor Degree Program of Performing Arts, National Taiwan Normal University, , No.129-1, Sec. 1, Heping E. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106010, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
• Website: https://www.bdppa.ntnu.edu.tw/index.php/en/
• Contact person:
• Ms. Lee, Yen-I (Tel: 886-2-7749-5483 / Email: yenilee@ntnu.edu.tw)

• Ms. Chang, Hsin-Jung (Tel: 886-2-7749-5487 / Email: blairechang@ntnu.edu.tw)

• The applicants who pass the preliminary review will be contacted through email for secondary review interview. The applicants who do not pass the preliminary review will not be notified and their application materials will not be send back. Those who notified for secondary review interview but not showing will be regarded as giving up applying.
• The applicant who gets hired should abide by “National Taiwan Normal University Faculty Evaluation Regulations”
• The applicants please fill out the documents in the website of Personnel Office at National Taiwan Normal University: https://pms.itc.ntnu.edu.tw/HireApp/AdminServletCtrl?action=job_detail&s=4130
• Application deadline: 31 October, 2021 (postmark serves as a proof)
• The position starts at 2022 spring semester.
• If no suitable candidate is found, the recruiting time will be extended.